The school district should keep the books where they are. Girls and boys in middle school should be allowed to read books such as this. The infantilization of girls and boys who are in middle school or high school is wrong.
The school district should keep the books where they are. Girls and boys in middle school should be allowed to read books such as this. The infantilization of girls and boys who are in middle school or high school is wrong.
Until, we as parents, take the responsibility of our childrens education and development back from these spawns of satan things like this will just continue snowballing. End all gov education NOW.
People should not force their morality on other people. A girl or boy is 12 or older should be allowed to read books and obtain other content which allows them to become full members of society.
You are one sick puppy! And IтАЩm not sure if you can grasp this In between your fantasies of 5 year olds. But, you did hear the part where a 4 year old boy goes down on a man? If this is your idea of age appropriate? You truly are a sick pedo! I hear the Little Rascals are onтАж grab you lube and hurry you can still catch it. The further Left the world slides the sicker it gets! Till you end up with sick fucks like Edwin! Who thinks 12 year olds become full members of society by learning about pedos! Keep your kids clear of Edwins!
Yeah, you're a pedo, so you can fuck right off. You're arguing for something that is both immoral and illegal.
Kids don't become "full members of society" by learning how to give other men blowjobs. That material is used to groom kids into non-consensual, pedophilic relationships and as the article points out, it's clearly violating the law. If the board had the law and morality on their side, they wouldn't have scurried away like the rats they are.
The point of the book in question is not normalize pedophilia among Girls and boys bit for Girls and boys to be aware of some things which occur in society. If Girls and boys are treated in an infantile manner, then they wouldn't know better.
Pornography isn't sex education. It's a supra-natural fantasy world that has proven, detrimental effects on the physical development of young people's brains and powerful addictive effects on both kids and adults (similar to that of cocaine). Various state & federal governments around the world ban or restrict porn to people under 18 because of this proven science. So spare me your ignorant argument about exposure and "knowing better." You, and the FPCS, obviously lack the intellect to know how to teach expose children to adult concepts in a responsible - or even a legal - way.
You want people to know better, then let them read about religion, civics, and history. This might shock you, but thousands of years of human civilization have been built without each new generation of kids needing to watch or read about perversions that pedos or pedo sympathizers like you want them to think is just a normal part of society.
Students in high school and middle schools should not subject to infantilization. Students in middle and high schools should be allowed to read controversial material, such as books containing sexual matter. Girls and boys who are 13 and older should not be treated as children who are 12 or younger. Those girls and boys already know about this stuff so supposedly protecting them from this subject matter is really a 'feel good policy' which treats them as less than who they are.
No one is arguing that high school students should be sheltered from all controversy, or kept in the dark about sexuality and sexual material. I remember reading a lot of John Irving for my AP English class in high school - 25 years ago - and he seems to have a penchant for writing about sexual acts between all kinds of unlikely companions (two kids, two or more homosexual / bisexual men or women, a woman and a horse, etc..).
Here are some very key differences between those experiences what you seem to be arguing - and how it differed from the materials highlighted by this courageous mother in Fairfax:
- I was 18, not 12.
- My school recognized the propsective controversy and made our parents sign off on our participation in the class, and it was transparent about the books and their content.
- There were no graphic illustrations, which stick with you far longer than simple text.
- There was no pedophilia.
- It wasn't pornography being illegally distributed to minors.
What you can't seem to understand is that prepubescent children as young as 12 have no sexual drive one way or the other - UNLESS they have been groomed or sexually abused by others, most commonly adults. It has nothing to do with treating children as less than they are, and everything to do with giving them a safe area in which to naturally grow and develop their own sexuality free of the corrupting, damaging influence of very sick people.
And let me remind you, these are OUR children - not the schools', not the school boards', not the states'. And WE have the ultimate say in what and how OUR children learn. It is OUR money that buys the materials to which OUR children are exposed, and it is OUR right, perogative, and mandate to do whatever is necessary to ensure that OUR kids are not being exploited by the tyrants who would rape them - mind, body, and soul. And like ANY parent, I will fight to the death to protect my children. That's a promise.
You're a predator. CHILDREN have no desire for sexual approval unless they're conditioned to. There's a special place in hell for trash such as yourself.
With that egregious perspective, you can ONLY be one of the following:
1. A full-fledged, practicing pedophile.
2. A pedophile aspirant attempting to justify the behavior in which you hunger to engage.
3. A mentally handicapped adult with a serious pathological issue.
4. A childless idiot who has bought the leftist narrative hook, line, and sinker.
5. A child yourself.
Unless you are the 5th option, you know how wrong you are given the context of the material within the article, but you simply refuse to acknowledge the truth that such activities and / or descriptions thereof have long lasting consequences for children who are exposed to it. You simply cannot win this argument with the "evidence" you (don't) have to support your position.
This is why this book, and types like it, should not be in schools. Let parents decide what level of exposure their children should have, not schools (AKA government).
Then why are you so willing for our children to be exposed to material that normalized pedophilia? It isn't discussing pedophilia as the disease that it is, nor is it intended to stir up a healthy debate. It is pure pornography without any educational, artistic, or otherwise intrinsic value. How do you not see that?!
YouтАЩre clearly not, youтАЩre defending it. YouтАЩre lucky I donтАЩt know where you live, pedo, because IтАЩd LOVE to have a little тАЬchatтАЭ with you.
Are you insane?!? What, now schools should be allowed to train rapists, pedophiles, and distribute obscene literature? You are sick and I pray you donтАЩt have children!!!
I'm not a perv. Girls and boys should be allowed to form their own version of morality. They should also be allowed to form their own opinions and their own viewpoints of life. Treating girls and boys in an infantilzing manner is not good for them. It stunts their development. The best thing to do is to allow girls and boys to read what they want and to obtain content that they want. FCPS is not in the wrong here.
That is what he is desiring ! He absolutely gets off on the corruption and grooming of kids. And he says kids want to read this stuff? No Pedo! They want to play outside and when they are comfortable with their own sexuality. At an older age. And decide to experiment with others in their age group! Then and only then should they consider it! This Pedo tries to normalize deviance in adults! Not the kids! A 10 year old boy isnтАЩt looking for books on how to blow an old pedi! Edwin, You sick fuck!
Girls and boys who are in middle school should be allowed to read books which allows them literary access to uncomfortable truths of society. The point of the book in question is about this literary viewpoint on this uncomfortable societal truth. I'm against pedophilia but if Girls and boys don't know about pedophilia, then they would more susceptible to pedophiles, which is a problem in the first place.
I'm not a pedophile and I'm against pedophilia. Girls and boys should be allowed to read and watch content which is thought provoking, such as the film "Kids", lest they end up like the characters in the movie.
Hr is a self proclaimed "Youth advocate", which is a nice way of saying he is for advocating the youth (children) may consent to sex at a younger age than state law is currently. Sick.
Infantilization means treating a person like a child. Treating a person who is 13-17 years old like a younger child is Infantilization. Middle schoolers who are in 8th grade and in high school should be allowed to read controversial material.
Says a so-called "Youth Advocate". Children are not adults. They are treated as a child because they ARE. Should they vote too? Drive?? I hear the advocates want to lower the age of consent for sexual acts. I think you are on very thin ice.
Yes I did get my license at 16. Didn't mean I should have been out there driving!!
Many states now require the newest drivers to only drive under certain circumstances to help them with concentration-paying closer attention to propelling a huge hunk of steel etc thru public areas.
As far as mentally ill goes, no I have not been dx with anything serious. How bout you?
Is there any activity you think should be withheld till attaining a few more years of life?
One more thought, at what age do you find abortion repugnant. Nevermind what the Old Testament chronicles. I wonder where YOU stand on the killing of infants whether born or unborn.
Do you also support unequal application of the law? Because regardless of your "morality", or lack thereof, it's still ILLEGAL to make these obscene materials available to minors - THAT INCLUDES THE MAJORITY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.
Do you also selectively decide whether the objective science on a given subject is revelant? Because the body of evidence is abundantly clear that exposing children - even high school kids - to the kind of illegal smut this board has condoned causes extensive, long term damage to his or her psychosocial development, and almost ALWAYS presents later in life as a pattern of abusive behavior towards themselves and others.
If you'd ever experienced the trauma of childhood sexual abuse, then you wouldn't be so flippant about the kind of material which grooms children to accept it as a valid experience. You disgust me.
The school district should keep the books where they are. Girls and boys in middle school should be allowed to read books such as this. The infantilization of girls and boys who are in middle school or high school is wrong.
Ah, a FPCS board member, aka a pedophile, joins the chat.
Until, we as parents, take the responsibility of our childrens education and development back from these spawns of satan things like this will just continue snowballing. End all gov education NOW.
People should not force their morality on other people. A girl or boy is 12 or older should be allowed to read books and obtain other content which allows them to become full members of society.
You are one sick puppy! And IтАЩm not sure if you can grasp this In between your fantasies of 5 year olds. But, you did hear the part where a 4 year old boy goes down on a man? If this is your idea of age appropriate? You truly are a sick pedo! I hear the Little Rascals are onтАж grab you lube and hurry you can still catch it. The further Left the world slides the sicker it gets! Till you end up with sick fucks like Edwin! Who thinks 12 year olds become full members of society by learning about pedos! Keep your kids clear of Edwins!
Yeah, you're a pedo, so you can fuck right off. You're arguing for something that is both immoral and illegal.
Kids don't become "full members of society" by learning how to give other men blowjobs. That material is used to groom kids into non-consensual, pedophilic relationships and as the article points out, it's clearly violating the law. If the board had the law and morality on their side, they wouldn't have scurried away like the rats they are.
The point of the book in question is not normalize pedophilia among Girls and boys bit for Girls and boys to be aware of some things which occur in society. If Girls and boys are treated in an infantile manner, then they wouldn't know better.
Pornography isn't sex education. It's a supra-natural fantasy world that has proven, detrimental effects on the physical development of young people's brains and powerful addictive effects on both kids and adults (similar to that of cocaine). Various state & federal governments around the world ban or restrict porn to people under 18 because of this proven science. So spare me your ignorant argument about exposure and "knowing better." You, and the FPCS, obviously lack the intellect to know how to teach expose children to adult concepts in a responsible - or even a legal - way.
You want people to know better, then let them read about religion, civics, and history. This might shock you, but thousands of years of human civilization have been built without each new generation of kids needing to watch or read about perversions that pedos or pedo sympathizers like you want them to think is just a normal part of society.
Students in high school and middle schools should not subject to infantilization. Students in middle and high schools should be allowed to read controversial material, such as books containing sexual matter. Girls and boys who are 13 and older should not be treated as children who are 12 or younger. Those girls and boys already know about this stuff so supposedly protecting them from this subject matter is really a 'feel good policy' which treats them as less than who they are.
No one is arguing that high school students should be sheltered from all controversy, or kept in the dark about sexuality and sexual material. I remember reading a lot of John Irving for my AP English class in high school - 25 years ago - and he seems to have a penchant for writing about sexual acts between all kinds of unlikely companions (two kids, two or more homosexual / bisexual men or women, a woman and a horse, etc..).
Here are some very key differences between those experiences what you seem to be arguing - and how it differed from the materials highlighted by this courageous mother in Fairfax:
- I was 18, not 12.
- My school recognized the propsective controversy and made our parents sign off on our participation in the class, and it was transparent about the books and their content.
- There were no graphic illustrations, which stick with you far longer than simple text.
- There was no pedophilia.
- It wasn't pornography being illegally distributed to minors.
What you can't seem to understand is that prepubescent children as young as 12 have no sexual drive one way or the other - UNLESS they have been groomed or sexually abused by others, most commonly adults. It has nothing to do with treating children as less than they are, and everything to do with giving them a safe area in which to naturally grow and develop their own sexuality free of the corrupting, damaging influence of very sick people.
And let me remind you, these are OUR children - not the schools', not the school boards', not the states'. And WE have the ultimate say in what and how OUR children learn. It is OUR money that buys the materials to which OUR children are exposed, and it is OUR right, perogative, and mandate to do whatever is necessary to ensure that OUR kids are not being exploited by the tyrants who would rape them - mind, body, and soul. And like ANY parent, I will fight to the death to protect my children. That's a promise.
Edwin you do not deserve to breathe the same as we.
You're a predator. CHILDREN have no desire for sexual approval unless they're conditioned to. There's a special place in hell for trash such as yourself.
With that egregious perspective, you can ONLY be one of the following:
1. A full-fledged, practicing pedophile.
2. A pedophile aspirant attempting to justify the behavior in which you hunger to engage.
3. A mentally handicapped adult with a serious pathological issue.
4. A childless idiot who has bought the leftist narrative hook, line, and sinker.
5. A child yourself.
Unless you are the 5th option, you know how wrong you are given the context of the material within the article, but you simply refuse to acknowledge the truth that such activities and / or descriptions thereof have long lasting consequences for children who are exposed to it. You simply cannot win this argument with the "evidence" you (don't) have to support your position.
You will, one day, be held accountable before God for your thoughts and actions
The U.S. was meant and is meant to be have a government which is separate from that of religion. I'm not a pedophile and I'm against pedophilia.
This is why this book, and types like it, should not be in schools. Let parents decide what level of exposure their children should have, not schools (AKA government).
Then why are you so willing for our children to be exposed to material that normalized pedophilia? It isn't discussing pedophilia as the disease that it is, nor is it intended to stir up a healthy debate. It is pure pornography without any educational, artistic, or otherwise intrinsic value. How do you not see that?!
YouтАЩre clearly not, youтАЩre defending it. YouтАЩre lucky I donтАЩt know where you live, pedo, because IтАЩd LOVE to have a little тАЬchatтАЭ with you.
Keep your fantasies to yourself you sick person.
ANYONE who thinks that sexualizing children is ok should be hung from the neck until dead. Period. You're a demented piece of trash.
Are you insane?!? What, now schools should be allowed to train rapists, pedophiles, and distribute obscene literature? You are sick and I pray you donтАЩt have children!!!
Sounds like you are talking about the Catholic church.
You and the church
Are you a perv?
I'm not a perv. Girls and boys should be allowed to form their own version of morality. They should also be allowed to form their own opinions and their own viewpoints of life. Treating girls and boys in an infantilzing manner is not good for them. It stunts their development. The best thing to do is to allow girls and boys to read what they want and to obtain content that they want. FCPS is not in the wrong here.
So no boundaries at all for the kiddies? Is that what youтАЩre implying?
That is what he is desiring ! He absolutely gets off on the corruption and grooming of kids. And he says kids want to read this stuff? No Pedo! They want to play outside and when they are comfortable with their own sexuality. At an older age. And decide to experiment with others in their age group! Then and only then should they consider it! This Pedo tries to normalize deviance in adults! Not the kids! A 10 year old boy isnтАЩt looking for books on how to blow an old pedi! Edwin, You sick fuck!
Girls and boys who are in middle school should be allowed to read books which allows them literary access to uncomfortable truths of society. The point of the book in question is about this literary viewpoint on this uncomfortable societal truth. I'm against pedophilia but if Girls and boys don't know about pedophilia, then they would more susceptible to pedophiles, which is a problem in the first place.
You reapeat the same BS over and over and yes, you are unquestionably a pedophile! Your argument is well known as one used by pedophiles!
Absolutely revolting and incredibly stupid.
I'm not a pedophile and I'm against pedophilia. Girls and boys should be allowed to read and watch content which is thought provoking, such as the film "Kids", lest they end up like the characters in the movie.
Stop trying to deny the fact that youтАЩre a pedophile, itтАЩs obvious that you are as you use the same arguments
Hr is a self proclaimed "Youth advocate", which is a nice way of saying he is for advocating the youth (children) may consent to sex at a younger age than state law is currently. Sick.
I read a book about pedophilia, murder, torture, rape and abortion.
It's called the Bible. Got 'em.
Obviously your go to word is "infantilizing". Pretty weak stance. When do the books on bestiality come out??
Infantilization means treating a person like a child. Treating a person who is 13-17 years old like a younger child is Infantilization. Middle schoolers who are in 8th grade and in high school should be allowed to read controversial material.
Says a so-called "Youth Advocate". Children are not adults. They are treated as a child because they ARE. Should they vote too? Drive?? I hear the advocates want to lower the age of consent for sexual acts. I think you are on very thin ice.
Children do drive! You get your license at 16. Are you mentally ill?
Yes I did get my license at 16. Didn't mean I should have been out there driving!!
Many states now require the newest drivers to only drive under certain circumstances to help them with concentration-paying closer attention to propelling a huge hunk of steel etc thru public areas.
As far as mentally ill goes, no I have not been dx with anything serious. How bout you?
Is there any activity you think should be withheld till attaining a few more years of life?
One more thought, at what age do you find abortion repugnant. Nevermind what the Old Testament chronicles. I wonder where YOU stand on the killing of infants whether born or unborn.
Tracy, you just want more regulations and BIG Government intrusion in our lives. I thought this was 'Merica
What are books? You mean like TV shows but its just words on papers?
Do you also support unequal application of the law? Because regardless of your "morality", or lack thereof, it's still ILLEGAL to make these obscene materials available to minors - THAT INCLUDES THE MAJORITY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.
Do you also selectively decide whether the objective science on a given subject is revelant? Because the body of evidence is abundantly clear that exposing children - even high school kids - to the kind of illegal smut this board has condoned causes extensive, long term damage to his or her psychosocial development, and almost ALWAYS presents later in life as a pattern of abusive behavior towards themselves and others.
If you'd ever experienced the trauma of childhood sexual abuse, then you wouldn't be so flippant about the kind of material which grooms children to accept it as a valid experience. You disgust me.