Yes I did get my license at 16. Didn't mean I should have been out there driving!!
Many states now require the newest drivers to only drive under certain circumstances to help them with concentration-paying closer attention to propelling a huge hunk of steel etc thru public areas.
As far as mentally ill goes, no I have not been dx with anything serious. How bout you?
Is there any activity you think should be withheld till attaining a few more years of life?
One more thought, at what age do you find abortion repugnant. Nevermind what the Old Testament chronicles. I wonder where YOU stand on the killing of infants whether born or unborn.
Children do drive! You get your license at 16. Are you mentally ill?
Yes I did get my license at 16. Didn't mean I should have been out there driving!!
Many states now require the newest drivers to only drive under certain circumstances to help them with concentration-paying closer attention to propelling a huge hunk of steel etc thru public areas.
As far as mentally ill goes, no I have not been dx with anything serious. How bout you?
Is there any activity you think should be withheld till attaining a few more years of life?
One more thought, at what age do you find abortion repugnant. Nevermind what the Old Testament chronicles. I wonder where YOU stand on the killing of infants whether born or unborn.
Tracy, you just want more regulations and BIG Government intrusion in our lives. I thought this was 'Merica