Small correction: 437K is not enough to pay 100 1st year teachers… but maybe 20 of them. Still it is a sickening salary for the head of a superfluous (and clearly political) organization when one considers that it is paid by parents and taxpayers against whose interests and concerns it seems to work in many or most cases.

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Thank you! That's the problem with doing math on the fly! I fixed it!

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Two nights ago I was waking down a Dark sidewalk when I glanced over and saw movement. Moments later a gang of Moms stepped out. My heart froze, I avoided eye contact but it was to late. These terrorist chased me for 45 minutes until I hid in a porta potty until daylight. I have never been so scared. These terrorist have been linked to such acts as loving for their children, caring about their kids education and well being. So be very careful if you encounter a gang of these loving, caring mothers.

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Most of these organizations were captured by the left decades ago. They just feel free to be up front about it now. This was true of the American Library Association when I got my library science degree back in 1972.

So when you see that they have approved a children’s’ book, you can assume it is likely not something you want your children to read.

Sad but true.

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You are a 100% right about these organizations have been captured and controlled by the left for a long time ago.

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Ask your town how much they pay for membership to the NSBA. These are your tax dollars.

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The other day, I was going to pick up my child from school and I got pulled over for speeding in a school zone. Unconscionable! The officer said they are "cracking down" on speeders. He didn't mention the word “parents,” as if to acknowledge us in even their attack is to validate us. But we know. He made me late to pick up my child, which is child abuse. This is fascism.

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This is child abuse. Pull your children out of these schools.

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Amen Bob! The School Bored is way out of line. It's time we parents let them know. Am I a terrorist just because I voice my opinion? Am I a terrorist just because I don't want my children to be indoctrinated in socialism or communism? Am I a terrorist because I know where the supervisors live and I told them that I will bomb their houses? Hell no!

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I am a Pediatrician. I was floored by the revelation of this pornography in schools. It is psychologically burdensome and abusive for children to see that.

The contempt shown parents by the school boards, which is apparently nationwide at this point, leaves little doubt as to the deliberate nature of their actions with the children.

This, along with concerns about possible forced medical treatments, only one solution remains: and that is to protect the children by removing them from the public school system. Put them in private schools if affordable, or large co-ops of parent (home) schooled groups. With large enough co-ops, a parent may be assigned to teach two days per month , getting the lesson plans to review beforehand. If the football coach can be assigned to teach high school science class , you can too! ....Do not be afraid.

Get started.

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Finally someone, who gets it. BTW, I've been looking for a good pediatrician because of my foot aches. Where do you work?

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It’s not just Parents who are involved in holding our local School

Boards accountable on a wide range of issues. Our group includes parents, grandparents, students, former educators, and community members without children who still feel strongly about how we educate the very children who are the future of this country as well as feel strongly about holding our School Board accountable for how they manage the massive amount of funding they receive, the bulk of which is in the form of property taxes, in our State v

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Very important that more parents and Americans, in general, are aware of the insidious activities of the National School Board Association. Thank you for your reporting.

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