Asra, I listened to Quillette podcast. You make no allowance at all for the idea that some of the kids in your area are more disadvantaged than others, particularly your highly advantaged kids. You are the one who is racist.

The underlying problem here is that if admission is based on one test alone, then some people will be incentivized to spend all of their time studying for this one test at the expense of many other important aspects of childhood, including getting a GPA higher than a 3.0, spending time exploring the world and thinking about things, learning social skills, playing sports, etc. The vast majority of people want something meritocratic in that it rewards the kids with the highest underlying potential -- not the memorizers -- and that it makes allowance for the lack of privilege of some kids, especially those in poverty. Entrance tests don't work if they are meant to be check-ins to see how kids are doing, but instead kids study for them for years. Even IQ tests don't work if people study for them.

I listened to your Quillette interview, and you can across as someone who did not want her privileges destroyed.

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*the Quillette podcast.

Sorry, I am writing this while not wearing glasses.

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What a gift this Loconto clown has provided the plaintiffs! Gee, even a crappy lawyer like me could prove discrimination with that video footage. Two other points.

1. If the zip code scam survives, political popular minorities - blacks and Hispanics - will have one year of increased admissions; but by year two, enough Asians will move into those zip codes - or at least a one-room tenement - right before the deadline, to make their kids eligible for the easy zip codes. Bureaucrats and ideologues never consider what a rational person would do after they make their changes. Loving parents will find a "residence" in the easy zip just long enough to let their kid apply from there. Duh.

2. Sorry, but there is a relevant point in ALL these anti-Asian academic attacks that people refuse to admit. 100% of those pushing these racist policies to punish Asian kids for working hard rather than watching TikTok 24 hours a day and getting high, are DEMOCRATS. That is relevant because if these institutions were not Democrat-controlled (including Harvard), Asians would not be under assault. (The violence is coming from Democrat cities in Democrat states, but that's another topic.) It's like with my Jewish liberal friends. In our endless debates, I always make them admit that 100% of the BDS Movement filth targeting their kids are Democrats. They squirm, but they admit it. Time for Asians to admit the same.

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It is unfair to assign degrees by zip code and specify the number of degrees per zip code.

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This article is literally poorly written garbage. I’ve come to expect better from you. “Racism of critical race theory”? I mean I guess because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s not a valid tool. But I suppose declaring litigious Karen’s as “brave” it’s about on par with what you would expect!

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We understand your religion all too well. Racial essentialism is, and has always been, racist.

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I understand critical race theory, and it's racist. End of story.

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