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That's a lot of words just to say that you are homophobic.

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Not homophobic. Anti pedophilia. Normalizing pedophiles is wrong. It endangers kids and the fact that you used homophobia as a crutch and a reason to make this "ok" just shows how stupid you are.

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Using bigoted pedophilic tropes to attack homosexuals is disgusting and shows how hateful you are. What are you going to do when one of your kids comes out as gay? Call him/her a pedophile?

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It's hard to take you seriously, but I'll assume you're genuinely ignorant to material exposed in this article - even though you could simply watch any of the embedded videos to learn that is does, in fact, promote pedophilia.

The mother in the videos read a specific passage from one of the books she was referencing, wherein one of the children characters says to the other:

"I can't wait to suck your dick, and I can't wait to have you inside of me. I sucked Gottlieb's dick, the real estate guy, and he sucked mine."

The "real estate guy" is clearly an adult, and the speaker is clearly a child. This clearly promotes pedophilia, and is clearly damaging to the psychosocial development of any child who is exposed to the normalization of such behavior, even if it is just a book. It's called "grooming," and that's what pedophiles do to children in order to eventually coerce them into a sexual relationship.

To argue that our opposition to the illegal, amoral, and damaging distribution of this material in our schools - even high schools, where the majority of students are minors, and none of whom are cognitively developed enough to handle the material without it forming a significant impression upon them - is somehow "homophobic" is as intellectually dishonest as it is deliberately misleading.

Speaking for myself, I find the homosexual imagery as promoted in the book, with detailed descriptions of sexual acts accompanied by even more detailed illustrations, is JUST as offensive and disgusting as the equivalent level of heterosexual imagery would be - at least, within the context of being made freely available to impressionable children.

No one here is arguing against anyone in the gay / LGBTQRSTUV+ community, and no one is saying you don't have a right to engage in whatever sexual activity you want with whomever you want, so long as said activity is between two consenting adults.

So please stop justifying the illegal, pedophilia-promoting smut to which our children are being exposed by deliberately derailing the argument with the tired and disingenuous trope you're peddling when you use the, "you are gay bashing homophobes!" lines.

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In the book Lawnboy

"The scene people seem to be upset about, Evison said, involves an adult man recalling a sexual encounter he had with another fourth-grader when he was in fourth grade." That is 2 kids. Not a man and a kid. You guys either need to 1) read the book and stop taking things out of context, 2) go back to school and learn reading comprehension, 3) stop your bigotry, attacking all things "gay" as pedophilic.

"clearly damaging to the psychosocial development of any child who is exposed to the normalization of such behavior"

what are your qualifications to make such a determination?

"I find the homosexual imagery as promoted in the book, with detailed descriptions of sexual acts accompanied by even more detailed illustrations, is JUST as offensive and disgusting "

Yup, there's the bigotry. You know full well that there are other books in the school library that describe sexual acts between a male and a female. Ever read Shakespeare? Where's the outrage?

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You're a genius, really. People are protesting a book, written by an adult, fantasizing about child sex, being offered freely to children. Yeah, nothing pedophilic there. 1) listen to people's concerns and stop taking things out of context. 2) go back to school and learn listening comprehension. 3) stop your bigotry in labeling genuine concerns as "homophobic".

Since you're the great defender of homophilia, the shining example of moral rectitude so busy scolding everyone here, show us what you're defending. You're good at trolling, spinning sophistic arguments, throwing around ugly labels and using inflammatory rhetoric. Is this what homosexuals are good for? You seem to know so much about it. Is this why we should be tolerant? So foul creatures like you can crawl out from under rocks to defend pedophilia and sow strife and discord? This is what you are? This is the best person you can be?

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not quite: everyone here is for, FOR, natural law, which is precisely and, so, absolutely "against anyone in the [alphabet soup] community engag[ing] in whatever sexual activity you want with whomever you want, so long as activity is between two consenting adults"

we are definitely against any sexual or other activity against natural law

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First, none "our kids" has come "out as [homosexual]." Precisely because we have brought them up to understand natural law. If you, Mike, need more help with understanding natural law now, just let us know.

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You should change your name to Mike pedarist, as you obviously want this sort of sexualisation of children to suit your sick agenda of grooming . I hope that the fbi does itтАЩs job and hunts you down, finds all the evidence that will most likely be on your computer, then charges and arrests you for the sick perverted threat that you are.

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David you are projecting your own sick thoughts. Please seek help. Stay away from playgrounds. Maybe eat a bullet? Meanwhile, stop attacking homosexuals. Your bigotry and hatred is not the Christian way.

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Typical reply from a pedophile projecting his depravity onto others. YouтАЩre the one with obvious sick desires. Your approval of these horrific books shows just how much you want that sort of sick propaganda to become normalised. YouтАЩre going to burn in hell for all eternity.

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David, your hatred and bigotry is un-Christian. Lest you forget the 10 commandments. Love thy neighbor. The biggest homophobes are usually gay. Something you want to tell us, David? I support you.

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YouтАЩre the one who obviously has hatred, but of regular people who donтАЩt believe in pedophilia. Your continued defence of these sick and perverted individuals should be a signal to law enforcement to investigate your activities.

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Funny, the 10 commandments in my Bible don't include "love thy neighbor." Have you even cracked the cover on this book you claim to know?

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This term тАЬphobiaтАЭ is a baseless term used to describe someone that is scared of a homosexual or transsexual. We are not scared! We do not agree with the lifestyle you may live. You may not agree with our lifestyle but phobia is wrongfully used.

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You are no Christian.

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Tracy, who made you the Christianity gatekeeper? Read: Timothy 2:12

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You really ought to check the verses before you cite them.

1 Tim 2:12 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence"

2 Tim 2:12 "For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

What are you implying? Are you making a sexist argument that people who use traditionally feminine screen names aren't allowed to offer opinions, based on your interpretation of the Bible? Are you allowed to do that? I ask because you're in the crowd trying to dismantle the very notion of gender. I mean, are you even a male? Gender is a social construct, after all.

Or are you commending Tracy for suffering your nastiness because God is going to keep her from falling into the pit you're in?

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"eat a bullet"??? Ah, there's the bleeding-heart, tolerant, liberal mindset shining through! Just let you talk long enough and the hate spills out.

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These books are nothing (what kids read books from libraries these days anyway?) compare to online porn. Why aren't parents out in the streets protesting online porn?

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Name calling is the retort of the dimwitted. You're good at trolling. Too bad your brain is good for little else.

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