"On December 6, 2011, a Federal Bureau of Investigation advisory board voted to expand the definition and Director Robert Mueller accepted the recommendation. The former definition was established in 1927 and can be found under the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. The old definition stated that rape was “The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.” The old definition excluded oral and anal penetration, the rape of males, the penetration of the vagina or anus with an object or body part other than the penis, the rape of females by females, the rape of children, and non-forcible rape."

Wow!!! Rape laws had not been updated for almost a century?! And all those other assaults could not be persecuted as rape? How sick. Everybody's glad this wave of awareness and changes in law happened. Long, long overdue.

And I didn't know that love jihad takes place in Pakistan as well as India. How unfortunate. Some serious laws need to be enacted against that also.

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This is an amazingly detailed explanation 🙌🏻 well done

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This is a great article.

However, I am missing the photo of AH on 28.5.2016 laughing into the air with RP and Josh D - without a bruise so as to make it chrystal clear to doubters, or did I miss the image in the article?

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Apparently Amber Heard is not the only impostor/fraudster who has elevated/enriched herself on the backs of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. These so-called women’s rights champions have done so much harm to the cause (i.e., gender-based violence) that they claim to care so much about. It makes me sick to my stomach. Great job exposing their rank hypocrisy and idiocy, Asra!

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